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GigGenius promises  5 things 
 no other 
freelance marketplace can

A simpler, cheaper and more network driven platform for all.

GigGenius makes it easy and fun!

Fair  Pricing

We let clients and freelancers thrive with fair pricing. PWD with special cases gets privilege too!

No Connects or Bids Needed to Apply

Applying jobs shouldn't be expensive!

We Love To Give Back

5% income goes to charity for the elderly and poor children. Sometimes, struggling single moms!

Featured Business Placements

Get your business in the spotlight. Promote to other clients in our platforms.

Networking Events for Business Owners and Freelancers

Enjoy workshops and fun-filled events to make your journey with us valuable, exciting and fun!

Optional Life and Health Insurance

Let's end the dilemmas of Freelancers by providing an easy optional life and health insurance policies for those who want it.

Recurring Income as you refer

How about earning 0.5% for each and every payout of the freelancer or 1% from every spent of the business owner you refer.

For Geniuses

Getting a job shouldn't be expensive

Meet clients you're excited to work with and they your career or business to new heights.

Find opportunities for every stage of your freelance career

Control when, where, and how you work

Explore different ways to earn

Office Work

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Title Here

This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

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